Friday, July 30, 2010

Mind Puzzles

Here are some ways to exercise creative thinking.  They are separate from eachother. Have fun.

Clear your mind

The idea is to get rid of problems that are keeping you from concentrating on the task at hand.
Take out a piece of paper and quickly write down any issues which come to mind. It doesn’t matter how small the issue is, write it down. Keep writing until there is nothing left to write. Then look at the list and acknowledge that you will deal with these concerns later. Fold the paper up and put it on the corner of your desk for later.

Define your problem

The idea is to come up with different expressions of your problem, leading to a new and unusual solution.
Use an idea quota. Write down 5 different ways to express your problem in 1 sentence.

Repeat at least 3 times.

Why and what ways

The idea is to drive to root cause (why) and back up to potential solutions.

Why do I spend time less time doing this thing that I should?

Why do you want to ...?

Why do you ...?

Why do you ...?

Why ...

Now restate the answers as “In what ways can I ....”

Mind map and negative mind map

The idea is to see the problem from a negative perspective and strengthen the positive.
Do a mind map of the problem.
Now do a mind map of the opposite of the ideas. I.E. opposite of fitness is sloth.

Random words

The idea is to look at the problem from differnt perspectives.

“In what ways can I ________________?”

Choose a random verb.

Explore the relationship between the sentence and your subject and then explore the non-relationship between the sentence and your subject.

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